My Background & Expertise (last updated: 2021)

UN Youth Representative
As an elected Youth Representative to the United Nations, I gathered input from young people to bring their insights to the UN for a mandate of two years. I brought a youth perspective to the United Nations through the speeches that I gave there, resolution negotiating, lobbying government officials, and organizing events. All with the goal to bring the UN closer to young people and to bring young people closer to the UN.
High-Level week UNGA

During the High-Level Week of the United Nation's General Assembly 2019, I represented the view of dutch youth at several summits within that week. The Climate Action Summit, Sustainable Development Goal Summit, and the overall High-Level Week of the UNGA. I consulted several world leaders on the importance of youth-inclusion and also, more specifically, about demands from youth with regards to climate policies.

In 2020, the United Nations marked its 75th anniversary.
In that light, the Secretary-General of the UN invited world leaders to reflect on what kind of world the future United Nations should exist in. So, during the High-Level Week of the General Assembly, heads of state from all around the world addressed the UN.
Young people are the ones who are going to experience the longest part of that future that the Secretary-General spoke of. So if anyone, they are the biggest stakeholder to be included in that dialogue. That is why I got to provide a youth perspective together with His Majesty, King Willem-Alexander as we addressed world leaders around the globe during the 75th General Assembly of the UN. We spoke alongside Heads of States ranging from the Presidents of the US and China to Russia and Micronesia.
My TEDx Talk
Moderation and Hosting

As you can see I am no stranger to public speaking, as a matter of fact: I love it. Over the course of the years, I have gained experience in many different forms of public speaking from TV Speeches, moderation, hosting, being a guest on Talkshows, giving Keynotes and so much more. So, be sure to check out the 'What I can do for you' tab to see what Public Speaking services I have to offer!
In the picture above on the left, you can see me hosting at the annual World Press Freedom Conference, and on the right, I am moderating the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Youth at Heart Forum.
UN Caravan Tour

During our UN Caravan Tour, we traveled from Zwolle to the Hague in our electrical Caravan in the Netherlands, in four days. Along the way, we spoke with almost 1000 young people about how they want to be involved in political decision-making processes, especially those concerning climate change.
We spoke with young people at high schools, primary schools, universities, colleges, MBO's, closed institutions, and many more places.
Our tour ended in the Hague where we got to relay this input to Minister Kaag, responsible for international Climate policies, and Marcel Beukeboom, Climate Envoy of the Netherlands.